Everything DiSC®
The Everything DiSC® Assessment and Workshop can help you build greater self-awareness and team cohesion for better business results.
The Everything DiSC® Assessment and Workshop can help you build greater self-awareness and team cohesion for better business results. What you and your group will gain from a DiSC® training:
Greater Self-awareness
Stress Response
Preferences and work style
Team Cohesion and Impact
Understand how you can work more effectively together
Learn to improve communication and conflict management
Business Impact
When we know each other better—we can learn how to better work with each other. This translates directly into enhanced business results.
We offer the following assessments in the DiSC Suite and Facilitated Workshops:
DiSC® Workplace Profile
DiSC® Management Report
DiSC® 363 for Leaders
DiSC Agile EQ™
As qualified facilitators, we offer 2-hour, 4-hour and 6-hour DiSC workshops. DiSC can also be paired with Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team for a comprehensive team understanding and facilitation. Contact us to learn more.