Custom Workshops
We offer a variety of 1-hour, 2-hour, 4-hour, and full-day workshops. Sessions are customized based on your needs. Here are a couple of sample workshops:
Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
Learn the importance of EQ and how it differs from IQ
Understand the brain, our triggers and emotional reactions
Gain familiarity with the range of emotions and models of EQ
Discuss applicability and develop a customized action plan to enhance EQ
Understand the brain, our triggers, and emotional reactions
Understand our thought patterns—how our thoughts determine our feelings, actions, and results
Reframe our behavior to intentional, more positive reactions
Develop an action plan to become more resilient and enhance results
Custom Workshops
We offer other workshops on a wide variety of leadership and personal development topics. Please contact us for further information—we would be happy to discuss your specific needs and interests!