New Year, New Beginnings (Part 3 of 3) of our Transitions Series

Consider the best part of your life or career right now. Was it always that way? Did a change or disruption occur that allowed that new way of being to emerge? Often times the answer is yes. And it’s often a reminder that to embrace new beginnings, we must not only experience the change (outer event) but more importantly, process the transition (inner work).  

But to experience this growth through transition - that is a messy human process at times. It can rattle our foundation and way of knowing. However, if we focus on microbreaks and nonjudgmental observation, we can see the pathway illuminating itself. We can allow ease and space to emerge. And yet, how hard is it to manage the desire to control the lighting of that path? We want to be in charge of it - and sometimes, we just need to allow the debris to fall away, to let the light emerge. The new beginning presents itself.  We try it on, experiment, recalibrate and eventually it fits. We recognize and reflect on the learning that emerged from the change and transition.

Imagine a grand oak tree. Its splendor, its prominence, its majesty came not overnight but through the emergence of a new beginning. The conditions were ideal for a seed to flourish over generations, creating a majestic stature. So, too, does it provide to others in its environment - a home for birds to nest, for insects to get food, for humans to seek shade. By leaning into the discomfort of growth and shedding what no longer serves it, it not only thrives - it provides growth and support to others. Its new beginning replenishes itself by being in harmony with others. 

As do we. 


Navigating a Season of Transition?Here’s How – Part 1 of 3