How to know if your values are shifting
Are your values shifting? How do you know?
Almost seemingly overnight, the pandemic threw a big stick of dynamite in our ways of working, commuting, and being with families and friends. As our society changed, so did some of our value systems. And here’s what we know, from work with our clients and our own lived experience: Value shifts can be very unsettling. Ways of being are tested, and you don’t understand why certain activities, goals, or events are no longer exciting for you and often can find yourself in resentment or discomfort in navigating previously accessible and well-tread waters.
In order to resolve these conflicts for ourselves, we first need to develop curiosity and awareness - whether this is self-inquiry or better understanding employee needs and desires. Delving into deep, non-judgmental curiosity about what is occurring allows for deeper awareness. As we know, in order for intentional positive action, we need awareness first.
As you stay curious (for yourself or others), here are some questions to consider to unearth what is occurring AND what do to with that awareness:
Have my values shifted? If so, how do I know that they have?
Do my existing values need to be redefined?
Does the definition of a particular value need to be expanded?
How do I operationalize this value now? BE SPECIFIC.
What do behaviors of this value look like?
How do I know when I’m operating with integrity with my definition of this value?
How do I know when I’m slipping out of integrity? What are my tells?
What new practices or ways of doing I want to try on? For the sake of what?
Let us know what arises for you!